Beware of Hidden Interview Pitfalls

 Suit. Check Spend time on company research. Check Spend time on practicing answers to interview questions. Check Extra copies of EHS provided resume. Check Fancy leather folder thingy to hold extra copies of resume. Check Limp, wet handshake. Huh? All the expert interview advice and all the practice in the world still might not prepare…

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Worst Things to Say in an Interview

Interviews are nothing if not opportunities to drive yourself crazy. Just remind yourself to look good, appear confident, say all the right things and don’t say any of the wrong ones. It shouldn’t be so hard to follow these guidelines except you’ll be on the receiving end of an endless line of questions. Factor in…

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Why you didn’t make it past the first interview

 by Kathy Khalvati You breezed through the phone screening and your first interview went surprisingly well. But weeks go by and you never hear back. If you do end up getting a rejection email, you’re left staring numbly at an auto-response with too many clichés and not a single explanation of why you didn’t make…

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Closing an Interview

by Carole Martin How can a job-seeker make a strong closing argument in job interviews? Find expert tips for closing the job interview, and getting one step closer to a job offer. Closing the Sale: “When do I start?” That’s about as aggressive as you can get at the close of the interview. It may…

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Using Numbers on your Resume and while Interviewing

Use Numbers to Give Your Accomplishments the Attention They Deserve! If you were an employer looking at a Restaurant Managers resume, which of the following entries would impress you more• • Dropped labor costs. ——-OR—- • Dropped labor costs by 3.2% from 21.3% to 19.1% within six months of hire. Clearly the second statement carries…

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It seems like you’ve been sending out cover letters and résumés forever. Suddenly, a prospective employer calls and asks you to come in for a job interview. Take this as a compliment, as unqualified applicants typically are eliminated well before the interview process. Being invited to a face-to-face meeting is a sign that you’re a…

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In working with job seekers, we have come to recognize five deadly interview sins, any or all of which will keep a candidate from getting an offer. Following are these sins of omission and commission, and the suggested penance. Sin No. 1: Under preparation Many job seekers just show up at the appointed time with…

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Why is it that interviewers/companies still need this crutch question to begin their interviews• Some use it from habit, some because they didn’t have time to prepare, and some because they don’t know any better. But despite trying to prep our clients away from the dreaded opening interview question “Tell me about yourself,” we have…

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In an interview, it’s not always just what you say that is important, but also how you say it and how you look when you are saying it. Despite answering all questions thrown at you with precision and confidence, if your body language is weak, your overall image may be perceived in this way, too.…

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